New Middlesex Members’ Group created to improve flow of information
On Tuesday evening at Lord’s, Middlesex Chief Executive Richard Goatley, Chairman Mike O’Farrell, Executive Board member Bob Baxter and selected Middlesex staff met with a group of Middlesex members who make up the newly formed Middlesex Members’ Group.
The group of six club members, who have all volunteered their time to help the club improve communications from top to bottom, will work closely with club officials to ensure that key club messages and information is effectively and transparently disseminated to the membership at large.
The group will also have a direct line straight to the Middlesex Executive Board, in order to be able to provide answers to any members’ questions or issues that arise in a timely fashion, and will meet at regular points throughout the year to ensure that the process continues to yield the best results for the club’s members.
In addition to this, at selected matches throughout the season, members of the club’s Executive Board will be available in the Middlesex Room to answer members’ questions in person, providing a relaxed forum in which to discuss any issues of concern face to face. The dates of these Q&A events will be publicised when confirmed.
The six members and Executive Board member who make up the Middlesex Members’ Group are:
Bob Baxter (Middlesex Executive Board)
Andrew Biggs
Glen Birkwood
John Clouting
Jeff Coleman
Martin Hadland
Steve Pattington
Feel free to discuss any matters that are on your mind with any of the group, who will be keen to assist, or if you have any questions relating to the newly formed Middlesex Members' Group then please contact Bob Baxter at