The story of 'Middlesex Street' - a brilliant multi award winning project, delivered by Middlesex's Participation Team
Last week a summer of McKinsey Cup competitions came to an end! Check out who came out triumphant in each of the groups.
The deadline for nominations for the 2019 Middlesex OSCAs is this coming weekend, so make sure you get your nominations in now and don't miss out!
Congratulations to Middlesex's Participation Team, whose Chance to Shine youth project in Islington recently earned national recognition
Congratulations to Fairholme Pirmary School in Hounslow, who were joined by Tim Murtagh to celebrate being named as the Chance to Shine Primary School of the Year.
Nominations are now being taken for the 2018 Middlesex Coaches Association Awards - nominate coaches here!
At last week's Vitality Blast clash against Sussex at Lord's Middlesex's 2018 OSCA winners were presented with their trophies. Congratulations to all.
Last week saw the conclusion on this year's Under 13's and Under 15's boys and girls Mckinsey Cup competitions. Congratulations to all the winners.